
Easter Sunday... The Beginning!

Posted by Elaine April 01, 2018 at 12:00 AM AEDT

Jesus said “I’ve come that you might have life!”
Then He proved how serious His love for us was by allowing Himself to be nailed to a cross amidst unfounded accusations and jeers from onlookers that didn’t know Him, then He hung there until He died. But that wasn’t the end of Jesus… listen as David Phelps continues the story of Jesus…

He’s alive! Today we celebrate the fact that death couldn’t hold Him, He was seen by thousands of people after returning from the grave!

Thomas, one of His disciples one who had spent time with Him each day before He was crucified, after hearing Him preach about what was to come still doubted it was really Him when He was face to face with Jesus until He said" “Put your hands into the nail scars in my hands”, then He finally believed..

Jesus said, “So, you believe because you’ve seen with your own eyes. Even better blessings are in store for those who believe without seeing.” John 20:29 MSG

We have the chance to take this leap of faith into the reality of Jesus, to take Him at His word and accept that He loves us with the promise of even better blessings!

I can say for sure that all Jesus says, all He offers is true because I took Him at His word and accepted all He has for me. My life is blessed beyond all my imaginings and I have peace that makes no sense because I put my trust in Him.

And He’s only a prayer away!

Please share this message and help to bring light and hope and purpose to those you love!
2018 Elaine Costin – Capturing Sunrise