We Don't Know About Tomorrow...
Many were impacted by this life taken way too soon. Seen by some as larger than life, Kobe Bryant influenced a generation for good and he still had plans for more to accomplish.
So many are in shock this morning that this one so young, so dynamic and so caring has this morning left this life to enter eternity. So many were impacted by this life that was taken too soon. He had so many goals yet to accomplish.
Kobe’s daughter Gianna who also lost her life in this tragedy was primed to carry on his Basketball Legacy, full of dreams that will no longer be realized.
Image: Instagram
I knew nothing about this young man but reports streaming in from around the world show the kind of a man he was, handsome, gifted, driven, influential, determined to make his life count. His life wasn’t perfect, no one’s life is, he’d made mistakes that had impacted others.
But according to this Catholic Newsagency article, he knew he wasn’t perfect and needed to change. He made a decision to accept all that Jesus had done for him and made Jesus his personal Saviour! His decision to accept Jesus that day changed his eternal destiny!
Kobe shared in a GQ interview how important his faith was to him, that his most inspiring trait was his decision to turn to his faith and receive God’s mercy to be a better man following past wrong choices. It’s reported that he went to mass the morning he was to meet his maker.
You see, we don’t need to be perfect to become a Christian. None of us are. We just need to accept our weaknesses and turn to Jesus for forgiveness and strength. We may all dreams, plans, be physically and mentally fit, we may have all the training and the passion to hurl us into our destiny, but is it enough? Life as we know it can cease without warning.
Referring to this tragedy Ellen Degeneres said: “Life is short, life is fragile and we don’t know how many birthdays we will have.”
Understanding our life could end in an instant, what are we here for?
What should be our focus?
What goes with us when it’s our turn to go?
We can do our best to live a good life, we can even go the extra mile to help others and be kind to animals and our environment, but if we haven’t recognised our need for Jesus when our time comes, our time may have run out to turn to Him. Tomorrow is a gift not promised… Today may be our last.
Does death stir up fear in you?
Are you sure that the life you’re living is enough?
Does the thought of standing before Jesus bring joy and peace or dread in you?
Because I’m a Christian I have no fear of death, in fact, I look forward to spending eternity with Jesus and hearing Him say ‘Well done!’.
One of the best things in accepting Jesus is that when someone we love, someone who has also accepted Jesus dies, separation from them temporary. Sadness comes with our loss, that’s unavoidable, but the assurance that we will one day be reunited brings contentment in the midst of loss and a peace that can’t be explained. Grief, for a Christian, is accompanied by a deep-down assurance that this is not the end. That we will one day be together again.
Many believe they will see loved ones again, but this is only possible for those who have a personal relationship with Jesus. It always saddens me though, when someone dies without ever experiencing His love and direction through life.
Jesus is the only one who bought our freedom when He died on the cross for us.
Jesus is the only one with an empty tomb.
That we can accept Jesus as our Saviour and guide to steer us safely through whatever we face is priceless.
And when a Christian closes their eyes for the last time, we just slip across into Paradise and enjoy a heavenly eternity with Jesus and those who decided to call Him Lord.
Kobi’s decision to follow Jesus changed his eternal destiny. It didn’t make him into a perfect man, but it did make him a man forgiven and righteous, regardless of what He’s done.
Dying, for a Jesus follower, opens the door to life evermore but the door won’t open without Jesus!
Click on this link and scroll through other blogs to learn about becoming a Christian
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2020 Elaine Costin – Capturing Sunrise / Blog
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