
What does God want?

Posted by Elaine February 15, 2014 at 12:00 AM AEDT

In Matthew 22:37-39, Jesus talked about two of the greatest commandments. The first is to love God; the second is to love your neighbour as yourself.

Notice that there are three connections in those two commands: the connection between you and God, the connection between you and others, and the connection you have internally, or the way you see yourself. See, you can’t love others if you don’t love yourself first. And, you can’t love yourself without receiving God’s love for you.

That’s the love connection. God’s love works in us and empowers us to love others as we love ourselves. Loving yourself isn’t about being selfish; it’s about honouring God’s creation … you.

I encourage you today to receive God’s love in a new way. Ask Him to show you His unconditional love. Love sets you free from fear and insecurity. His love grounds you and helps you to make the love connection.

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If you’ve never accepted this love and forgiveness that Jesus offers, let me encourage you to do so. I’m not talking about becoming religious and trying to be good enough; I’m talking about having a relationship with the Creator of the universe through His Son, Jesus Christ. It’s so simple. Just pray this prayer in your heart. “Dear Jesus, I know I’m a sinner, and I need a Savior. I believe You are the Son of God, that You died, paying the price for my sins, and rose again. I ask You to come into my life; make me fresh and new. I accept You as my Lord and Savior and receive Your love.”

I believe today is a new beginning for you. Let go of the past. Let go of insecurity and doubt and receive God’s love. Let Him build strength and confidence in you to live the abundant life He has in store for you!

From Victoria Osteen – see more here