
The Road To Eternal Life

Posted by Elaine December 14, 2019 at 12:00 AM AEDT

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Which is the best path to reach utopia, nirvana in eternity?

Pluralism states “All religions are the same and all sacrifice is the same”
“To believe that Mary was impregnated by the living God is too much to accept!”

But what one person believes as truth differs greatly from the opinions of another. We all stumble from time to time, making wrong choices that leave us with consequences, we all reap what we sow, so how can we be sure that what we believe is actually based on the truth? Truth that will lead us to abundant life while here on earth and Utopia or eternity with God as I prefer to say, when we die?

The only accurate way to learn the truth is to read the manual, the instruction book left to us by the one who created us.

I’m referring to God’s Word, the Bible, which reveals the only one way to be sure we have an abundant life.

In the Bible, God says that Jesus is the only way to eternal life.

But God said this about Jesus..
Isaiah 9:6 Wonderful councillor mighty God everlasting Father.

The only one who raised the dead – healed the sick – was one with the God -

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Jesus is the only one who:
Created his mother
Made the materials that the nails were made of
Created the trees that the cross was made of and rose from the dead.

People’s most desperate need is not equal acceptance.
They need to know that God loves them,

Offers forgiveness,

Gives us mercy that’s new every morning,

Offers grace so we can start again

Resulting in peace that makes no sense, above all our understanding.

With supernatural power to live each day.

Self-reliant self-sufficient unrepentant life is not

His power is awesome unlimited limitless and all we’ll ever need.

He’s real, His love is forever and I can’t help but praise Him.

If you’d like to know more about the things of Jesus that will help you discover the truth, search through the topics here at
2019 Elaine Costin – Capturing Sunrise / Blog