
Peace in Troubled Times

Posted by Elaine May 28, 2020 at 12:00 AM AEST

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These pictures of the sunrise were all captured this morning as the glory of dawn filled the sky. From east to west the sky was illuminated with awesome colour – now that’s definitely worth getting up for!

As I captured the beauty this morning I couldn’t help but think of our fear gripped world right now, with COVID-19 killing people along with other disasters, cyclones, famine, fires, floods that we have no control over and sometimes no escape from, filling the hearts of people around our world with dread…

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But then I look at the sunrise.
Every day God creates such beauty at the beginning and the end of each day to remind us that although we may not sometimes see Him sometimes, God is close to us and we’re never alone. When we trust Him we don’t need to fear, in fact we don’t even think of fear when trouble comes, we know He has all things in His hand and under His control and we’re safely in His care.

But if we don’t acknowledge God we don’t get the benefits of trusting Him.

Fear not, Jesus says, for I have overcome the world!

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His love, guidance, forgiveness, peace in times of trouble, no fear of death and eternal security are all there waiting for us to ask, no one is exempt. But you don’t know His promises are real until you give Him a go.

I did, I said yes to Jesus, and for my whole life I’ve never been sorry I took the plunge with God, I’ve never been disappointed, confused, fearful when trouble comes because He’s ever-present with me and ready to help when I ask! And I’ve dodged many bullets by following His leading, that’s for sure!

It’s up to each of us to accept His invitation of love and to accept His guidance of our life, to run our race with Him leading the way. We can trust Jesus or to spend our lives in confusion and fear of each new disaster that comes our way… and we all know they will come!

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Jesus says:
“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Come away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.” Matthew 11:28-29 The Message Bible

Click here for more information about living with Jesus

This is great news! It will be life changing if you accept what Jesus offers so it’s worth telling your friends about. Please share this message with those you love and bring hope and light to someone else’s world!
2020 Elaine Costin – Capturing Sunrise / Blog